Today, as there are many cases of corrupted BKF files, every user always ensure that their BKF files are safe and sound. Microsoft offers NTBackup.exe tool with Windows to ensure that the users can create BKF files to backup their critical data. However, sometime, these BKF files got corrupted due to number of reasons like virus infection, human errors, CRC errors, etc. Then you need vital BKF files at any cost. In such a situation, use BKF Repair Tool as BKF Repair Free Tool to repair corrupted BKF files and recovery of vital BKF files instantly. And also get the exact view of the content of BKF files after repair of corrupted BKF files.
Free DownloadDemo Version: Demo version of BKF Repair Tool as BKF Repair Free Tool allows you to repair corrupted BKF files and present the view of corrupted BKF files after repairing. Extracting feature is not available in Demo version.
Full Licensed Version: You can purchase full license version of Personal License by $89 and Business License by $180 only.